Lesson Plan Nº 8
Lesson date: 11/10/11
Time: 09:00 to 10:50
Class: 1º 2º Polimodal
Trainee: Espínola, Daniela
Nº of Students: 29
Time: 80’
Book: We Can Do It Nº 2
Form: Past simple
Function: to talk about things in the past
š By the end of unit Nº 5 students will be able to talk about the things that they did in the past, about someone else’s life and people who is no longer alive.
Lesson Procedure
1- Presentation
ï Warm up
The teacher enters the classroom and greets students. She asks students to seat.
Time: 3’
ï Motivation:
The teacher asks students if they know the different genres that can be found in movies and stories. She shows students some pictures of different films and encourages students to participate. Then, the teacher shows students some labels with different genres and asks them to match them to the pictures. After that, the teacher asks students what other films they know, and asks them to give her one example of each one.
Time: 15’
2- Development:
ï Activity Nº 1: Listening
The teacher tells students that Jake and Carla watched a film and that they are going to listen to what they say about the film.
- Goal: Students have to listen to the CD and look for specific information. Then, they have to choose the correct option for two different sentences.
a- Pre-Listening: The teacher asks students what they think Carla and Jake are going to say about the film.
b- Listening: The teacher gives students the task of choosing the correct option for two sentences about Carla and Jake. They will listen to it two or three times, depending on their needs.
c- Checking: The activity is checked on the board with the participation of the students.
Time: 10’
ï Activity Nº 2: Reading Activity
The teacher tells students that Carla, the book’s character, likes Jennifer Lopez and she asks them how much they know about her. Next, the teacher asks one student to hand out his partners some copies with information about JLo. The teacher asks students to read the text silently and later and then, to answer the questions below. After that, the teacher asks them to write true or false for the some affirmative sentences about JLo.
Time: 20’
ï Activity Nº 3: Wh- words
The teacher makes a revision about wh-questions. She takes out some labels with short sentences and asks students to help her match the sentences to them. After that, she gives students a trivia to complete with the question words given in the box.
Time: 15’
ï Activity Nº 4: Oral Activity
The teacher takes out some affirmative sentences about different films, for example; ‘the Titanic was a boat’ and students have to say if the sentence is true or false. She divides the class into two teams. One team has to choose a paper and show it to the other team and they have to say if the sentence is true or false. The team who has more correct sentences wins.
Time: 15’