Lesson Plan N° 1
Date: 24/06/11
School: Colegio N° 7
Class: 3°- 1
TutorTeacher: Irina Vascuñan
TrainerTeacher: Amalia Malanca
Trainee: Rodrigo Coria Peñaloza
N ° of Students: 22
Length: 80 minutes
Book: Language to Go
· Students will talk about countries and continents and future plans by using the structure “be going to”. The teacher will provide students with oral and written tasks to guide students through their work.
· By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize and locate countries with their corresponding continents.
· By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the countries included in the lesson as well as the things to see/do in each of them.
Material / Equipment
· World map
· Board
· Students' book
· Copies
· Cd player
· Flashcards
Lesson Procedure
1- Presentation
ü Warm up
The teacher enters the class, greets students, introduces himself and makes clear some aspects dealing with the way he is going to proceed throughout the practice term.
The teacher tells the students they are going to play a game based on inferences about the teacher’s personal information so as to break the ice.
ü Motivation
The teacher sticks a world map on the board and students are asked about what they can see in it eliciting colours and previous knowledge about the continents’ names (Africa, Europe, Asia, Australasia (Oceania), North America, South America)
Students are shown with some flashcards depicting images which are representative of the countries included in their books (Australia, South Africa, India, Canada, Ireland). They are expected to identify which is the country at hand as well as being able to locate them on the world map as well as stick them on it. Concurrently, the teacher writes sample sentences on the board. E.g. Canada is in North America.
As a way of covering an eventual students’ failure in recognizing the countries, the teacher plays melodies or songs to help students succeed.
ü Presentation
One of the students hands out five tags, among his classmates, with the names of the countries. They are encouraged to come to the front and stick them on the appropriate continents. After this, the teacher writes the date, the title of the topic on the board and students are told to open their folders and write the sample sentences from the previous stage of the lesson.
2- Development
• Task 1: Reading Comprehension – pair work
Students are asked to work in pairs, open their books on page 14 (those who don’t have the book are provided with a copy). After that, they are asked to identify and relate the pictures with the countries included in the book (or copies) with the ones they have just worked on. The teacher reads the title and students are asked to infer what the article might be about. Next, they read the text, underline what are the things to see and do in each country and complete the chart on exercise 4. In order to check the activity the teacher will draw the chart on the board and some students come to the front and complete it.
Time: 20
3 - Closure: Discussion
Students are asked to work in pairs and discuss about which are the countries the want to visit and why based on the information they have gathered on previous activity. In order to guide students, the teacher looks at the reading to look for information of the countries, and says a model sentence out loud.
Back up activity: Crossword including the vocabulary introduced in the present unit.
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